Classic Car Repair
Tell me this didn’t hurt! You’re driving in your Camaro and come to be sitting at an intersection and then some other driver sideswipes your classic car! 🙁 while you;re sitting still!
Critical Car Care to the rescue!
We replaced the right quarter panel, the center console, the right rear rim, the rear axle, and the gasket. Had to repair the roof panel, the front right door shell, and blend the deck lid. It took 6 weeks to get the rim for this old girl as it had to be made.
Classic Custom Auto Body Repair and Paint

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With over 20,000 RV parts and accessories, we have the parts you need for your recreational vehicle. Shop online and save on complete product lines and parts such as Dometic & Suburban furnaces and water heaters, Thetford toilets and portapotties, Carefree awning fabric, and all of the RV towing accessories with replacement lighting and brake controls. Visit RV Parts Store